tmux is an open-source terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. It is useful for running more than one command-line program at the same time.
All commands in tmux
start with the prefix. tmux default prefix id Ctrl+B
tmux sessions
Starting a new session:
tmux new -s <name_of_session>
- -s - name of session
Nested tmux sessions (tmux in tmux) are not allowed by default. A new session can be created with the -d
parameter (detach)
tmux new -s <name_of_session> -d
By default, tmux assigns each session and number, starting with 0. This can be changed with
Renaming session: Ctrl+B $
A session can be detached (will not be terminated). With tmux ls
the detached sessions can be listed and with tmux attach -t <session_name>
Exiting session without terminating it: Ctrl+B D
A session can be terminated/killed with
tmux kill-session -t <session_name>
Anything open in the session that will be terminated, will be lost. Handle with care and save the work before killing a session
It is possible to change sessions witout detaching an attachin sessions.
Ctrl+B S offers to select the session with arrow-keys
To close all sessions except the one specified by the -t
tmux kill-session -a -t <session_name>
The base directory is the directory where tmux was started. All new windows and panes will have that same base directory. To change the base directory
Ctrl+B : - to get into the command prompt and type
attach -c /dir/ectory/path
or a -c /dir/ectory/path
tmux windows
Starting a new session, automatically starts a new windows as well.
If a new window inside the same session is needed, it can be created with Ctrl+B C
Ctrl+B , renames the current window and you switch through windows with
Cycling between windows is done with Ctrl+B N or Ctrl+B P. Another way is Ctrl+B W wich will display all windows from wich we can select the window (and pane) we want to activate with the Left Right Up Down
To close an unresponsive window (and all panes in it) we can use Ctrl+B &
tmux panes
A window can be split horizontally with Ctrl+B " and vertically with
Ctrl+B % Using Ctrl+B Left Right Up Down changes the current active pane
Ctrl+B Ctrl+Left+Right+Up+Down resize the pane. Typing exit
closes the current pane.
Ctrl+B 0 - 9 switches to the pane with the associated number. Ctrl+B Space toggles between different pane layout.
Ctrl+B O switches the most used panels, if pressed at the same time it switches the panes to the pane whith the current active prompt
If a pane is unresponsive it can be killed with Ctrl+B X and confirm with Y
To move the pan clockwise it Ctrl+B { can be used. For counterclockwise movement use Ctrl+B }
Converting a pane to a window is done with Ctrl+B !. Ctrl+B Q shows the panel numbers.
tmux copy mode
Enter with Ctrl+B [. With Ctrl+S the whole text wall can be searched.
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